

夕暮 私たちは道に迷ってしまった 泣いている幼い兄妹のように



海鳴りはあちらからもこちらからも 聞こえてくるように思われた

私たちがここに来るとき 通り過ぎた湖水の岸辺に

四つ手網をあやつって わずかな小魚を獲っている

たしかにシャバンヌの貧しき漁夫がいたが今はもう家に 帰っているだろう

舟の中で寝ていた あのキリストの裔のごとき赤児を背負って

暗くなった林の中に 開かれた煙草畑があり 人がいた

野良着を着けた人が近づいてきて私たちに声をかけた その人は老人だった

老人は両手の中のものを 私たちに見せたが


老人に教わった道を行くと 岸辺の部落の灯が見えて来た

灯は 限りない穏やかな色で燈っていた


漁夫とその家族が 明るい燈火を囲んで ささやかな夕餉を摂っているのを

Fisherman and his family

                             To“Poor Fisherman”by Puvis de Chavannes

In the evening we lost our way like young brother and sister

crying on the dune risen between the sea and the lake.

The sand-bank fixing forest over the dune was so deep that the sea

rumbling seemed to reach us from everywhere.

When we came here past the lake, I saw on the shore, to be sure,

Chavannes’s Poor Fisherman catching a few small fishes with a

four-armed scoop net.

He may have returned home by now with the baby like Christ’s

scion on his shoulders. He had been sleeping in the boat.

In the darkening forest,there was a tobacco field opening and

a man was there.

The man in farming clothes came near and spoke to us. He was

an old man. He showed us an object in his both hands. It was a

young turtle-dove which had fallen from the nest.

Treading down the road the old man showed us, we caught the light

of the hamlet on the lake.

The light had an extremely peaceful warmth.

We would find the the fisherman and his family having a modest

evening meal seated around a bright light.