「ワイフのこと? あるよ。男に縋って生きるところ。それと多産系の血筋かな」
最近のテレビミステリーの、やたらに長いタイトルみたいだわ。ところで、日本の新聞はすぐに読めるの? テレビはどうなの?」
Autumn of the Aunt
Pale-golden light of the setting sun come into the ramen shop. It camethrough a scarlet-dyed noren curtain, producing a purple-like weirdcolor. It is only a dark and dull color but has a hidden amorous aironce given by Japanese red kimono slips of old days.
“Everything’s incredible!” murmured Yasunori, using disposablechopsticks to eat ramen.
His hair is grayed in the course of long period of time. He wears abrown, yellow and green checkered American shirt. But Eiko reckoned hispotato-shaped head, his small elephant eyes and his big nose were notchange as it was when he was only a little child.
“It’s really awful to see people who cannot pay for burial of theirrelative, even in a public cemetery let alone a grave plot. Anywayburial is not so expensive in such a big country than in Japan.Moreover, it’s not the story for blacks in the past but also today forsome whites. Still they have pride. That makes the situation worse.”
Eiko is listening to him attentively and curiously rejoicing thereunion with him.
“It’s really tasty, the Kitagata ramen!” said Yasunori in a littlehoarse voice. Eiko admired his visage that performs incessant act ofchewing.
‘How long am I facing him today?’ Eiko questioned to herself. Shereminded that in the morning they were heading Sakuragicho from home inKanazawaku, Yokohama. They were going to a bookstore in the Landmarktower. But they took a wrong way at some point on a highway after ranthrough the circled underground tunnel at Kariba. ‘I know toll fareticket will tell us which highway we entered.’ But, the ticket is leftin the car. She does not have it at hand.
‘Anyway we are at some place around Kitagata city in Tohoku district’thought Eiko, ‘because the ramen shop looks very much like a restaurantin the country side, and, what is more, both outlined character byresist dyeing on the noren curtain and the printed character on thechopstick cover are telling Kitagata specialty.’
Yasunori was talking all time about how were the lives of his wife andher poor American peers, even when they were doing the sights of an oldresidence and its rice granary before coming to this ramen shop.
For example, an old lady who makes one-sided long distance callseveryday regardless of her paying capacity; a wife who always calls herhusband in office to seek decision for her own affairs; lives ofproblem drinkers and so on; and so on to the point how poor Americansbury the dead, by the time when the two pilgrims got here Kitagatacity.
It was an autumn evening but not a bit cold. Rather, Eiko felt the coldin his story. ‘That must be the reason why I said to him to have ramenor something hot.’ thought Eiko. Eiko shook pepper only one time onramen but it affected her throat and made her coughing. Her trachealsystem got too sensitive after she had an operation for early lungcancer.
“Are you OK?” Yasunori gave her the accustomed tender look on his face.
Memories in the afternoon suddenly flashed back to Eiko. They had lunchat a drive-in restaurant with a nice view of Goshikinuma Lake afterputting flowers on Etsuko’s grave. Etsuko was his first love. And forYasunori it was the first visit to her grave in thirty years. And whatis more, he came from the US. He was talking too little about Etsukoand complaining too much about his wife and her relatives. He said hiswife had kids by former marriages.
Eiko believed he has not changed even though he talked little aboutEtsuko. Instead, he complained much about sloppy life of American poorto Eiko, his aunt. She thought it very natural, reckoning that he isabandoned by fortune to meet good girls after Etsuko.
Eiko is the aunt of Yasunori. It is true. But she is only a year andnine months older than him. When they were little, they made goodplaymate each other, playing hide-and-seek and keeping-house. Eikopaused a moment to eat ramen. She felt a little pain in the stomachbecause of the driving fatigue.
“It really tastes good. I could take a second if I am not to havedinner tonight.” said Yasunori sipping the last soup of ramen. Shewanted him not to see her giving up eating ramen.
She tried to treat him as she used to do, but her body caught hisunacceptable change. It was his driving manner.
He said, “If I didn’t have a car, I could not even call on myneighborhood friends. A school bus is provided for kids, though.”Eastern towns where he lives are so sparsely habited that small animalslike foxes come into individual back yards.
“Once I have visited Washington DC with my fellow classmates of anEnglish conversation school.” said Eiko. She remembered theconversation teacher, an American lady, who gave her the pile ofhomework. She thought ‘Meeting the nephew will make a good topic forthe free talking session in the next class.’
“Your visit must be a sight seeing around the Whitehouse and theSmithsonian’s Museum. What have you found in the museum?” askedYasunori.
“I saw airplanes in the Air and Space Museum; the Wright brothers’airplane and others. Then a native conversation teacher conducted us toanother place in Maryland by bus.” It was a male teacher who guided herin the Museum.
“He showed us a Zero fighter of the former Japanese Navy stored in ahangar.” said Eiko.
“Zero fighter. I remember it by my childhood memory. How was that?”asked Yasunori.
“There was a lot of graffiti on its body. It is a pity to see itexposed to public. I wanted it to be disposed without delay.” sheanswered.
“My home is located only a little more than two hours ride afar fromthat custody hangar.” said he.
Eiko thought ‘I know he is accustomed to the speed on a highway. But Idon’t like his steering manner. Manipulation is precise but notdelicate enough.’ It is her Japanese car with a right-hand steeringwheel. No doubt Eiko trusted him as she offered the driver’s seat tohim, knowing that he is accustomed to drive with left-hand steering.The true owner of the car is her husband Michio who doesn’t have adriver’s license. Michio said, when young he could not afford to go toa driving school because his family was poor and fatherless. However,he didn’t go to a driving school after he got a job in a Japaneserestaurant.
‘I don’t like his steering.’ An uneasy feeling came up into her mindafter some point around Goshikinuma Lake. ‘Is that because I have notexperienced to sit in the front passenger’s seat of a car driven by myhusband?’ She asked to herself. She cannot help but feel uneasy to hisrough steering.
The floor of ramen shop glared blue-white by the reflection of somelight. Another memory came up to her. Yasunori’s letter came to herfrom the US in mid-August when she was preparing for the Bon Festivalto welcome spirits of ancestors. She opened his letter at the side ofBonfire that glows in reddish yellow, the color of well ripe Chineselantern plant, against dull and dark Ogara, de-fibered hemp cane.
“I want you to join me to visit Etsuko’s grave. I’d like to go by carto Yamagata, if possible. Of course I’ll be the driver.” said hisletter,
She replied, “It will be good for Etsuko’s soul. And on the way back,we could go on an overnight trip to a nearby hot spring.” Yasunori wasa teacher of science in a junior high school but by now he retiredbecause he reached sixty.
Her husband Michio set fire to the Ogara with a skilful hand. Blueflames of chemical ink came out when he lit the twisted flyers to makethem fire source. Yasunori liked science when he was only a school boy.He knew a term “imperfect combustion” and understood its meaning.
“Have you been teaching science all the while?” asked Eiko.
“Yes, because I had no other way than that. But the last five years Itaught Japanese conversation additionally. I made a study program withmy colleagues for international exchange. There is a boom in Japaneseconversation in the US.”
“I saw a poster of International Exchange Association on the wall of myEnglish conversation class.” Eiko reminded again of the home workshanded to her.
Yasunori graduated from Japanese college of science. Deceased Etsukowas also the student of the same college and has once come to Eiko’shome in Yokosuka accompanied by Yasunori. Eiko’s mother moved to thathome after the bombing of Tokyo in 1945. Eiko had a prejudiced image togirls wanting to acquire knowledge of science. But Etsuko looked muchwomanly girl with soft expression and lithe movement than is expected.
After introduced by Yasunori, the first words given by Etsuko were “Howdo you do aunt Eiko. I am Shinozuka Etsuko.” The title word ‘aunt’ madean amiable impression on Eiko.
“Yasunori call me plainly Eichi as I am a tomboy and only one yearolder than him.” replied Eiko in a little embarrassment.
A productive family contains many coevals of different generation.Honorific expressions are easily disregarded among contemporaries.
Yasunori’s mother Hisako is a sister to Eiko by blood, but twenty oneyears older than Eiko. And there are six brothers and sisters betweenthem. The fertility of the family inherited to every sibling, thereforebabies were born one after another despite the gap of generation. Eikois nominally the aunt of the babies of her siblings, but born just asone of those babies.
Eiko and Yasunori were great friends to each other among many of therelatives as they lived near by. Generation difference was easilybroken and Yasunori came to call Eiko plainly Eichi. Then, so did theYasunori’s brothers and sisters. They were far from courteous at all;sometime their talk to Eiko was rough and rude. The parents of Eikowere not exact in holding Japanese good manners. The father was a verypractical man and was running a wholesale company of building materialsin Tokyo. The mother was a pious Catholic.
On the occasion of visiting Eiko’s mother in Yokosuka, Yasunori said hewould marry Etsuko and they would go into a dual-income life when bothobtained teacher’s licenses.
“Yasunori’s mother is not heard of this good news. Poor Hisako!” Hisakohad already left the married family and was living with a new guy.
In the year next, Etsuko was killed in a turnover accident on adownhill road. She had a collision with a taxi on her way to a bakeryon a bike.
“Anyway, I am happy for you. You could visit Etsuko’s grave.” said Eikoto Yasunori.
“Right on.” replied Yasunori.
“It was a beautiful cemetery, wasn’t it? Grave markers were maintainedso well that we could clearly read them. Flowers were renewed and theyard was cleaned. Country temples have a feeling of quiet and calmatmosphere.” commented Eiko.
“It is true.” said he.
“I’m happy you are here. It’s been a long thirty years.” she murmuredand dared not speak further because this time they came here to hold aservice for Etsuko.
Lights from setting sun through scarlet-dyed noren curtain arediminishing. However, the air in the ramen shop still holds a tinctureof reddish shade, or dull scarlet.
“How many kids do you have in all?” asked Eiko.
“My wife already had two when I married her. One is a white girl andthe other, whom she was carrying, was a black. After marriage, she hadthe third, an Asian boy, my son. We have three in all.” repliedYasunori.
Eiko had no word to answer. She wanted to say, ‘You need not to marrysuch a woman.’ But he lives in the US. He must be following one of theways they have. He continued,
“But I equally loved them all. By now I have squeezed through to bringup every one.” He said the trouble is the wife’s mother.
“She is only seventy years old. She had my wife at the age of twenty.”He said the mother lives near his home, only thirty minutes by car. Twoyears ago, cohabiter of the mother died. He is of course not the fatherof Yasunori’s wife.
“After his death, what shall she do when she has no money to pay fortomb and burial?” asked Yasunori.
“Of course she cannot leave him as a dead body.” said Eiko.
“The body can be cremated for free at some public crematorium. Thetrouble lies after that.” said he. Eiko got no idea about what themother of his wife did after cremation of her cohabiter.
Eiko remembered the splendid scenery of Goshikinuma Lake on the wayhere. The tour guide raised her voice to explain the view to a lot ofvisitors.
“You can see scattered islands in the lake. Every one on them holdstrees. We name them ‘Swept mountain bits’. A massive mountain wasbroken into bits and swept away by the great eruption of BandaisanMountain. The volcano’s fury happened a hundred years ago. And afterthat, many greens came out and now made beautiful forests on theislands. Everything was made by the Mother Nature.” The scenery wasmade and shaped across the years longer than a man’s life.
“Can you figure out how did she treat his ash?” Yasunori continued hisstory by himself.
“She scattered it at some place of their memory, didn’t she?” askedEiko.
“No, she is not such a romantic being.”
“Did she happen to put it in a bag and dispose it to the trashcollector?” Eiko tried one of the extremities.
“She hasn’t thought that far.” again denied he.
“Then what did she do?” Eiko gave up guessing.
“She said to me that she disposed the ash into the toilet bowl andflushed it away.” he explained it all at last.
“So, she let it go to the sea, didn’t she?” Eiko made a confirmativequestion. Yasunori fetched a deep breath of relief with an affirmativenod.
“Eichi, by the way, how could you forgive your husband, Michio?” Thebrunt of question has now turned to Eiko. Fortunately, her stomachachehas already gone away. “I heard that he left you for three years,though it was second hand news I got around the end of the Vietnamwar.” continued Yasunori.
“Not exactly three, but only two years a little plus.” Eiko correctedthe vacant period of her husband.
Swept mountain bits… They were at first nothing but the strewn debrisof an erupted and broken mountain. And now they brim with greens toinspirit the cold lake water. “At that time,” thought Eiko, “I wasdebris of a broken mountain. But now, my daughter has grown up. That isthe ray of hope for me.”
Birdcalls over the lake came back to Eiko’s conscious mind. Theysounded as clear and sharp as to cut through the air. Their resonancelasted with no end but merged into atmosphere. On the contrary, birdsin home garden twitter busy. Sometimes their songs are drawn out bytraffic noise on the road.
“I am trying to forget it all. He has now succeeded the executivemanager of that Japanese restaurant.” Eiko replied.
“That’s good.” nodded Yasunori.
“But the business is very tough because competition is very keen.”added Eiko.
“Are you working with him?” asked Yasunori.
“I helped him before got sick. But now, no more.” replied Eiko.
Three years ago, Eiko got cancer, but recovered early after a surgeryusing a thoracoscope into the pleural space. Still, there remains apossibility of second stroke.
“I could hardly believe that you had excused a guy who betrayed you.When you were a little girl, you would not forgive me when I broke mypromise.” said Yasunori.
“Well, is that true?” Eiko played innocent, but it was absolutely true.
“At that time, I lost my mother after loosing my father. I had nowhereelse to go. I lived in the present house and brought up my daughter bygetting money by dressmaking paid work. And, what is more, Michio sentme living expense every month. He must have got a job at somerestaurant or another because he has got career in cooking when young.”
Eiko remembered how Michio looked like when he came back home after twoyears and three months absence. His sunken cheeks showed the loss ofhis youth that once enabled him to swim across from Misaki Shore toJogashima Island. His excellent knife skill might have well helped himto lead that vagabond life. He could slickly cut and clean a whole fishthat he caught in the sea. Eiko’s stiffened heart that she cannotforgive him showed no sign of going away. But she felt a sort offamiliarity when she saw him in the kitchen preparing for cookingwithout putting a pose after coming back. So she found herself sharingthe bed with him as before. ‘It would be useless to tell Yasunori how Igot back with Michio.’ thought Eiko. Anyway, two years and a littleplus were long enough to let whole family know she was abandoned.
“You know, the word ‘sexual harassment’ was made in the US, don’t you?”asked Eiko.
“You’re right about that. The word became so commonplace today thatit’s already out of use in the office.” replied Yasunori.
“The word is called ‘Sekuhara’ in Japanese and its use is alsoestablished in Japan. Too much criticizing somebody’s appearance alsofalls under the same category.” said Eiko.
“Well, Japanese are good at shortening long word. For example, one ofthe first abbreviations I remember is ‘Enoken’, shortened fromsomebody’s name, Mr. Certain Enomoto.” Yasunori could not remind of thegiven name of the person in question.
“It’s Ken-ichi. Ken-ichi Enomoto.” Eiko helped him.
“Yes, he had a monkey face.” He reminded the face of ‘Enoken’.
“You know very well.” said Eiko.
“I know him by the movie when I was a school boy. I was delighted andlaughed at his face contrasting my father’s deadpan face.”
“You remember such folly!” Their laughter filled the ramen shop.
“Well, what do you have in your head, then?” asked he.
“Do you know an old Japanese word ‘chouchou hasshi’?” asked Eiko.
“Oh yes, I know it. I am a boy. It is a word to describe a dogfightsituation of samurai battle, picturing fierce clashing of swords.”Yasunori replied.
“That word came into my head when I try to describe what lie on mychest about my sibling. A fierce clashing of words like that of swords.Merciless poisonous tongue, heart stabbing bad language,straightforward pouring out of the heart… Facing to my eldestbrother, I easily stammered with tension, fearing his backlash to myharsh words. He poked fun at me every time I stammer, saying ‘Youswallowed your words!’ or ‘Your expression has changed!'”
“Ah, your human dignity was affected.” said Yasunori.
“He took care of me in place of my deceased parents. But his straightwords sometimes impinged too sharp on my heart. All of my family usedrough and straight language because our family is rooted in old town inTokyo.”
“Yes, it is true.” Yasunori agreed.
“We can hardly use American flattering words that may put me on edge.”
“Occasionally, they make me feel hollowed out.” He rang flat. Eikoworried if he is bored of her story but she continued.
“Michio’s leaving home is a matter of husband and wife. When he cameback, we talked to each other a little. But the larger part of mycomplaint was left unsaid. I knew straightforward reproach helpsnothing. And after spending restless days in fear and dread, I lost myyouth and also my aggressive attitude both offensive and defensive toothers. I have no more guts to clash with others with wicked tongue. Iknow holding good relation with relatives will be of great benefit tome but I cannot do so since I lost my drive.”
“I see how things really are.” His words had some echoing afterglow.
“I had a disadvantage that I was born of aged parents. And when Iprepared to enter university my dad was going to die.”
“I know. I heard you graduated from a university through acorrespondence course in your middle age.”
“Yes, I could do it thanks to the increase in life expectancy. I wantedto see the inside of a university to know what I could not have when Iwas young. Of course, I also wanted to study there and to win a bit ofhonor for me.”
“Did young people of your eldest brother all go to college?”
“Oh yes, every nephew and niece at the eldest brother went to college,some aided by a home teacher. I heard I was said to be a negative modelto them. They said ‘Don’t be that kind of person.’ That must be one ofthe reasons why I am named without honorific prefix ‘aunt’ by your dearcousins.”
“Oh I see how you are feeling.”
“Thank you.”
“OK. I will take the role of the listener as I am one of the fugitiveswho cannot stay in such Japan as you described.”
“I was not so much greedy for going to university. After entered auniversity, I knew a little what it is to study there but it did notheal the wounds I got when I was eighteen years old. When I earnedalmost half of the required number of credits, I was bored withstudying and thought I didn’t have to graduate. For all that, I mademyself numb with looking back the past, and made up my mind to graduatethe university “
“That was good for you.”
“I knew I had to pick up what I scattered behind me. Ah, I rememberedan interesting thing. On the way to the campus to attend a class at thesummer school…. “
“You attended a class in summer school!”
“I found that house, the one once was a small sheet metal shop, and onthe second floor lived your mother Hisako with the new partner. Thehouse was also my first workplace after high school.”
“Oh, I remembered. There was a university in that district.” Yasunorikept silent for a while as if he were trying to recall remoteexperiences. He looked like he was absorbed in his memory. Eikocontinued.
“Even after thirty years, the house stood there but looked like vacant.What is more, I found the little Oinarisan shrine at the corner and theold back street shopping mall. Even houses and malls survived as aliving place of local residents, studying at university remained me adream for thirty years.”
“I remembered that I found you in that house when I visited there onsome occasion.”
“So I also remembered. We walked together to the station after day’swork.”
“How could you find the clerical job at that sheet metal shop?”
“My mother arranged everything about my job. When I refused to work inmy eldest brother’s company, she decided I should go to that sheetmetal company and work there as a clerical worker. It was not adifficult issue for her to decide my job even if it concerned my lifelong work. But anyway I quit there after six months.”
“I see.”
“What is more surprising is that the old house, when I took that pathafter a long time and before my graduation, completely disappeared witheverything around there. I found a large building and parking lotinstead. Only the Oinarisan shrine was left on the corner all alone.”
“So went out your unpleasant memories related to that house.”
“I would have offered flowers if only I knew the house will be pulleddown.”
“You sent me a lucky charm of Yushimatenjin shrine. I was just beforethe day I take an entrance examination.” Yasunori’s words evokedanother memory to Eiko. It was when she really wanted to go touniversity.
“I remember it because your message to the lucky charm did not have aChristian expression like ‘I pray for your success in the examination’or so.”
“I must have said something tongue in cheek.” At that time she wascrazy about Michio. She visited temples and shrines with him as heproposed to go. She enjoyed the view of Japanese gardens and admiredBuddha statues. On that occasion she bought a lucky charm for Yasunori.
“We haven’t seen each other really for a long time.”
“It’s true. There is no wonder every thing has changed.” Yasunori hasalready finished his ramen. Eiko left the table letting her ramenunfinished and paid the bill. She wanted to get to the inn as soon aspossible to warm herself.
“I want to have a strong coffee. We will be served drinks in theparlor, the reception room of the old residence with rice granary.” Shecannot help but grant driver’s request. Come to think of it, they havenot had coffee since this morning.
Chandelier on the ceiling illuminated the coffee room with soft andwarm light of electric bulbs. Pale brown wall paper changed its colorinto odd orange lit by the flame of an old-fashioned stove. Tables andchairs, and an ornament shelves are colored in an old-familiarcomfortable tone. Sitting figure of Yasunori in a chair reminded her ofthe reception room of the house in Tokyo where they used to playtogether. Coffee was strong but it had good flavor and was smooth tothe throat. ‘It must be made of good water.’ she thought. After takinga half cup of coffee with precaution, her stomach seemed not to ache.She thought it is not the foods and drinks that made her stomach uneasebut the reunion with Yasunori who came back to Japan with American wayof thinking.
Once she had the same type of experience. That was when she visitedKorea with Michio and his colleagues. One day they went to a cemeteryon a hill near Gyeongju city. After came out of the cool and darkrepository, she walked around the cemetery shading the glare ofsunlight with her hand, when the stomachache attacked her.
It was only six months after the recovery from the operation for lungcancer. When she ate Bibimbap bowl at lunch, she caught no sign ofstomachache. ‘Physical strain would not be so serious as to affect mybody because it is only a short flight from Japan to Korea.’ thoughtshe before having decided to join the tour. But, instead, she got animpact blow of a different culture on her conscience that had notmental preparedness. In Korea they use red color in differentsituations than are used in Japan. For example, gates and entranceswere painted red. She thought this cultural impact must have made hertoo much sensitive and caused stomachache.
“Yasunori, you used to be outfitted with girl’s kimono sleeper when youwere only a little boy in that house in Tokyo.” The dull scarlet colorfilled in the ramen shop has connected at last with one shot of hermemories.
“Oh yeah, that did happen.” said Yasunori. Bluish close-cropped headedlittle Yasunori in red and white checkered kimono sleeper wasill-fitted from every viewpoint. Color of lining at the bottom ofsleeper was the same old scarlet. His foot action to kick up the bottomof sleeper in embarrassment was indescribably cute. He was close totears when she embraced him. Then she, saying “I’ll give you anotherone.” rolled him over playfully. And he, half-crying, barreled into heragain. At that time Eiko surpassed him everything. And close-croppedheaded Yasunori really did everything she said.
“Let’s play show-it.” She said to him. The reception room was quietwhen they had no visitors. The house faced a river and there was anaval academy on the opposite side of the river. Out of the window ofthe reception room, uniformed young men were seen walking by every nowand then. Behind the mantelpiece they hide themselves completely. Eikotook off her drawers.
“I’ve not yet got hairs here.” Eiko said to him showing her white innerthighs.
“I’ve not yet, too.” Yasunori replied in a calm voice though hisactions were slow to take off his pants. In the beginning, theirinterests were focused on whether hairs came out or not on the areabetween the thighs. Occasionally her eyes caught other thing than hairs.
“May I touch it?” She was anxious that a small projection was coveredwith skin. She touched it softly and hauled the skin to pull itdown….
“Ouch!” He said, and dodged himself.
“Oh, sorry.” She said in surprise and no more tried to reach for it.She thought Yasunori must have been interested in her recessed part.But he said nothing about that, let alone touching it.
He now married an American woman with two children by former marriagesbetween two other guys. Eiko closed her mind not to think over how muchhis body changed by now. One thing remains unchanged that he alwaysattached himself to his mother. Among other brothers and sisters,Yasunori had particular attachment to his mother and often went to seehis mother in that house of the sheet metal shop. Even if Etsuko didnot die and Yasunori married her, his attitude to his mother would notbe changed.
“Had she anything resembled your mother Hisako? Of course, herappearance may differ much from that of Japanese.”
“My wife? Well, yes, she wants to live on my arm and she is from afertile family.”
He said so with no hesitation. His voice sounded clear after havingcoffee.
“In addition she is lazy and for all that too proud to admit she islazy. In the US, there are many such people behind the winners.”
“Well, I see.”
“I really hate good-for-nothing women but uncertainty and fragilitysomehow give irresistible charms to a woman. When she came to marry mewith her little girl, she boasted, knowing that they cannot survivewithout me, she contributed to the development of my family by adding abeautiful American girl. She surely deems herself to be a higher rankedperson than I.”
Eiko could not exactly understand what he was saying when English wordswere inlaid in his conversation but heard his maturity as a humanbeing.
Eiko has heard from her mother that Yasunori’s mother Hisako spent herdays with sexual dissatisfaction in spite of bearing five children.Hisako’s husband was a son of an antique dealer, whom Eiko’s motherintroduced to Hisako because she was pleased the young man was a piousCatholic. At the negotiation of divorce meditation, claim on sexualdiscord was rejected because of the number of children.
“She said he does not come in but at the portal.” Her mother said witha half-smiling and half-tearing look. Eiko heard that when she was alittle girl. ‘Did she forget to pay attention to the age of theyoungest daughter, as she was too much occupied with taking care of theeldest?’ thought Eiko.
Little Eiko took her words, imagining his straight face, for somethingclumsy made by the husband in married life. And her understandinggradually made up her mind not to marry a Catholic.
There is no question that Yasunori was the least lucky of all, he wasabandoned by his real mother, had to pay his respect to his father whoadmires nothing but antiques, had to take care of younger brothers andsisters, and at last lost his sweetheart by death.
“We had a good coffee.” His voice got clearer.
“Yes, and I am feeling warmer.” said Eiko.
The two travelers went out of the parlor and walked out to the parkinglot through a garden. Yasunori sat at the wheel as a matter of course.The car started with the headlights on. The car headed to the mountainafter got off the town.
“Now we are going to a hot spring at seven hundred fifty meters up onthe back of Bandaisan Mountain. I reserved two rooms.” said she.
“For me, remote unpopular hot spring was a faraway dream. Americansnever understand Japanese enthusiasm for hot spring. They take onlyshowers.”
“Watch carefully road indications. They are Japanese. You can readthem. It will be a lot of trouble if you took a wrong way.”
Contrary to her expectation, the road to the mountain was not onetrack. As they drive on, the road was branched right, left, even slant.They had already went strait some of the junctions.
“Are we going right way? We shall come to a gate of the toll road.”said she. The car went on and on with anxiety over the destination.Before long, views were blocked by mountains and the road became asteep upslope.
“Well, I have carefully consulted the road maps last night.”
“I heard the toll road is full of autumn leaves and visitors willsurely feel like surrounded by huge kilt pieces.”
“No, I cannot see autumn leaves in such a dark night.” Rattling by therough road, sense of unease provoked by low shoulders and gouge ruts atcorners made her feel they must have taken a wrong road. Eiko turned onthe courtesy light on the ceiling and reviewed the map on the inn’spamphlet. But it was too much simplified to be consulted.
“Be careful of the shoulder!”
“You’re quick to say ‘shoulder!’. We say ‘on-coming cars!’ at first.”
“That will be the case in the US. On Japanese mountain road, shouldersinvite you to death on the valley bottom.” She was too scared tohesitate talking him back. Only anterior views came into the glare ofhead light. Other views dispersed into the posterior darkness.
She felt like praying out of scare. Then she asked another question.
“Do you attend church services on Sunday?”
“I attend the Presbyterian Church, not Catholic.”
“Pres- what?”
“Presbyterian Church, they say.”
“Oh, I see. One of the Protestant Churches.”
“It stands not far from my home.”
“I’m also attending church services after having got back from mydisease. It’s well said; Man’s extremity is God’s opportunity.” saidshe.
They went silent because of the bouncing of the car. Her body wastossed up and down again. The bouncing went off but the car was stillrattling along
the road. She sexually excited a little by the velocity and therattling of the car. In her newly-married days, she used to ride a biketo do daily shopping. On the way to a super market, she had to cross arailroad crossing. She enjoyed herself in secret by obtaining sexualstimulation by the hard rattling of the bike when tires dropped in thegaps between rails and the sill plates. And now remembering old secretpleasure in the rattling of the car, she tries to say her prayer. Whenthings considered, to her, the sense of God was always close to thesense of sex.
“In my girlhood, I sincerely determined not to marry a Christian.”
“You must have got them off from your marriage candidates by prejudice.Or else, Michio must have had an outstanding appeal.”
“A young guy sharpening cocking knives with no word looked fresh to me.He was two years younger than I, the same age as you are. Time haschanged. Unlike the time of Hisako, I was free to fall in love withhim…” Eiko held her tongue in haste. Yasunori noticed the change inher voice.
“It’s OK. Your words will hurt nobody. Since my parents and my grandmother have gone, there is no body but I who could have interest inthat story.” said Yasunori.
“Thank you to say so. Well, a man of few words is a scary person. Hecould abandon or even betray his family. In addition, he is not good atapologizing himself. So I had to spare his feelings. I was evenconfused to think the over-talkative family of my side is not so bad.”
“It’s very natural.”
“But I have learned what it means to be divorced. Hisako in the houseof sheet metal shop looked a little bit better but seemed mostlyperplexed, sometimes even sad and lonely. By no means can she be saidto be happy and contented. “
“To be honest, I was feeling the same.”
“Everybody is tempted to move to a better place when such a place wasfound at hand. So I don’t blame Hisako. I only drew upon her situation.For me, I had no other guy than Michio. What is more, I thought it muchbetter to compromise with the fate than to return to my eldestbrother’s home in tears.”
“Why didn’t you think to live an independent life?”
“I did. I sought for the ways to live on dressmaking but I couldn’tmake myself an artisan. I must have some kind of defect in mycharacter. I could not dare to split up with my husband, for I had adaughter. I thought my mother wouldn’t have agreed with me if she werealive. I didn’t have the courage, in today’s words.”
“You’re happy that you have a mother to remind of. The US is a divorcesociety. Considerable number of people cannot image how their motherwas. So it is difficult for them to control their mind.”
The introduction of another subject of the US made her feel like tohold him back in Japan.
“You will stay in Japan a little longer, right?”
“I will go to put flowers on my mother’s grave, though not willinglybecause it’s in the husband’s family tomb.”
“And how will you go on after your retirement?”
“I can keep on working as a teacher with degraded income. I can alsoteach Japanese conversation. If paid, I will even take the role ofconversation partner with some lonely old person, or I can do someassistance activities. There are several groups to do such works.”
“That’s good.”
“Isn’t it one of our greetings between us born-Christians to askwhether attending church services or not, just you asked me a littlewhile ago?”
“Did I offend you?”
“No, not at all.”
“Why have you come to attend church in the US?”
“I can save gas money if I can find a church in the neighborhood.”
“Is that all?”
The road became winding. Yasunori went silent to concentrate hisattention on steering.
“I heard you, being a lightweight drinker, got drunk and disorderly fora period of time.” When the road became straight, he answered.
“Sometimes I felt there is no justice in this world. I don’t rememberwhat the reason was. One morning, I made my kids eat breakfast. My wifewas still in bed and suddenly I was tempted to go to the church nearthe highway, which I pass everyday on my way to work. It took littlemore minutes before I really go there.”
“What happened to the father who prepares breakfast every morning forhis three kids of different colors? It sounds like a too long title ofa mystery TV drama. By the way, can you have Japanese newspapers at anytime? And how about Japanese TV programs?”
“When I was young, Japanese newspaper subscription fees and Japanese TVviewing fees were a considerable amount of money burden. Even a fewmonth old magazines were welcomed.” He said in an offended tone ofvoice.
Eiko reminded of a poster on the wall in the entrance hall of herEnglish conversation class. In that, three different colored childrenwere smiling at each other. It was an advertisement to seek volunteersfor the International Exchange Association. She started studyingEnglish conversation because she had to accommodate foreign guestsvisiting her Japanese restaurant. But she could not make progress inacquiring practical conversation ability. Three kids of differentcolors in the poster is a good picture for diversion. But real-lifethree kids of different colors would make another story.
“I’m sorry if you are offended. We Japanese are said to be insensitiveto racial problems.” Racial problem is also a popular topic of theconversation class in the International Exchange Association.
“Someday, you’ll see and remember what I said. By the way, are youstill writing fiction stories?”
“Yes, I am.” Now it’s her turn to be questioned. Either well-made orpoor-made she has been writing novels since she was a clerical workerat the sheet metal shop. She remembered she had told him about hernovels on the way to the station on that day.
Darkness has thickened outside. There was no other help but the frontvision caught in the headlight to steer the car. Eiko fell into a brownstudy for a while. She wanted to tell Yasunori why she writes even inher old age. The reason would also tell her why she resigned the sheetmetal shop, why she went to university in her middle age, why shecannot acquire dressmaking skill and English conversation skill.
“The conventional Japanese family system is in its autumn years. Today,owing to the declining birth rate, we seldom see a large family thathas complexity of relations between relatives. Undependable-lookingyoung uncles and aunts who are close in age with nephews and nieces arebecoming rare species. But, will it be a sin against hospitality tocoming generations to leave such cases of preceding days? A variety offamily stories in the twenty century are still living in the hearts ofmany people…. No, something is different. The story I just told seemsfar from the true reason….” Eiko went silent as if she wanted to easeher surgically reduced lungs.
“In a word, I want to calm down myself.” said she and posed again. Thenshe pointed ahead with her finger and trailed the dark mountain roadlit in the headlight.
“So the headlight in my heart put the light on certain areas. Sometimesthin and blue flames come out of the area in the light. Then I amtempted to dig there.”
“Oh, I’m a little scared. But it’s very much like you. It is so to saya decades-long soap opera.”
“Soap opera? Ah, ‘Hiru-mero’ in Japanese. OK, you are pretty close.But, to be honest with you, in my veins I still have the family bloodto use poisonous bad language. So I want to discharge venom out of mytongue under the guise of other means, other words, to be more preciseunder the guise of writing.”
“You have thought that far.”
“But I am well aware of the rules.”
“What rules do you mean?”
“Do not use poisonous language to weak-minded characters.”
“Oh, I see.”
“Possibly I just wanted to perform it in another way than that of myeldest brother’s.”
Time goes by in idling small talks. The car rattles consistently. Theon-coming front view was as dark as ever. The destination, hot springinn was not found as of yet.
“I’m afraid we are making a circle in a returning route. Here, Iremember this large curving passage three times.”
“You think? Yeah, I came to get the same feeling.”
“If only we could find somebody to ask.” said she.
“I can see some lights ahead. There must be a store, I expect.”
Dotted lights were found a little down ahead. She was contented withthe sign of human habitation but her relief went out instantlyreckoning that their road should trail up a mountain.
She reminded of her daughter who works at a company. She is old enoughto get married in the former days. She became prudent when maternalaffection came to her. ‘Is he really trustworthy?’ She thought. ‘Hesaid he was a teacher in America. But it is a story in a countryfaraway from Japan. Nobody knows how he is going in the US. But Itrusted him and swallowed his story wholly.’ She regretted she did hernephew a favor and came here by car traveling on Japanese road which heis neither familiar nor accustomed to. ‘When we got to the inn, hewould even ask me for money because he said about enormous phonebills.’ Suspicions arose in her mind together with fears.
There was a roundabout intersection when they reached one of thewell-lighted places. They instantly found a convenience-store with alighted billboard at a corner.
“I can see somebody there inside.” cried Eiko. Yasunori, withoutexpression, turned the car around to get into the parking lot.
“It’s a big convenience store!”
“You think so because it is dark outside.”
“Oh, yeah. We are standing at the back of Bandaisan Mountain famous forthe beautiful colored leaves.” Their conversation failed propercomebacks one another. However, colored autumn leaves stay in thisdarkness without fail.
“I’ll go and ask which way to go.”
“Remember it is Ta-Ka-Yu hot spring we are going to.” She clearlypronounced the name of the hot spring.
After a while, he came back and told her, “We shall go back the road wetook and turn left at the first corner. Then we’ll find the toll gateof a highway at once. So the guy said.”
‘There you are. We were on the wrong road.’ She said the words only inher mind. There is no need to reproach him, thought her.
It was a longer ‘at once’ but they found a little light ahead seeminglythat of the toll gate. The toll booth was a small but firm buildingwith a solid roof to withstand the load of winter snow. A soft orangelight came through a glass door. The booth appeared larger in sight asthey approached. When the car slowed down, an aged staff popped hishead out of the window.
“Where are you to go?”
“We are going to Takayu hot spring.”
“Is this the right road to there?” Eiko added. The tariff on the wallsaid the toll fare is a thousand and five hundred yen. But she reckonedit expensive as she was a little nervous on account of the loss of timeand gas by getting strayed.
“The other end of this road is Takayu hot spring. But you’d better waita little.”
“Wait? Why do we need to wait?” She lifted up her voice. They were farbehind the time to get to the inn. Yasunori was also looked a littledispleased.
“In five minutes, the booth will be closed. After that, you can get onthe highway for free. Please go back fifty meters the way you came andwait at the depression there. After I turned off the light and lefthere, you can go toll-free.” After having said so in Tohoku dialect,the staff closed the staunch window abruptly. They could do nothing butgo back the way they came as they were told.
“What a hardhead he is! He could let us go five minutes earlier, sincethere is no other car.”
“No, he did us a favor. You’d better understand that Japanese has suchgood aspect. “
“Hum, Grandma would say give a prayer of thanks.” His voice got back ina hoarse again. ‘He still has childish-innocence.’ She thought.
“Thanks for reminding my mother. Well, waiting five minutes is longerthan usual, you know.” She mumbled in a tone of consolation withoutfurther conversation. The shadow of the toll staff popped up on theglass door and showed a gesture of looking at papers instead of gettingready to go home. The orange color of leaves looked a little faded asthe car has retreated into the shade of a tree. The toll both lookedhazy like the moon surrounded by halo.
Eiko felt his left hand crept up on her right knee.
“Aren’t you cold?” He asked her.
“Oh no, I’m OK.”
His hand stroked to warm her knee and gradually moved into inside herskirt. She felt another intention in the movement of his hand. Theyhave still four minutes to wait. She cannot say ‘Let’s go right now!’because the toll staff would feel suspicious if they couldn’t wait andstarted moving after waiting one minute. Neither can she let his handcome further. She was at a loss. Then she reminded of the close-croppedheaded little Yasunori. At that time, he must have really wanted totouch her recessed part when she took off her drawers. Blinkinginterval of the second lamp on the digital clock lapsed slower thanusual. Every inch his fingers crept she felt bliss of being sucked intoan abyss of darkness. ‘Let the time pass faster, this one second is toolong for me.’ She cried in her mind.
But she kept her eyes open, which are still locked on the staunchwindow of the toll office. ‘While eyes are open, I can keep mycomposure anyhow. And I can also watch the clock to retain the reasonwhy I am waiting here.’
The sense that she had always been the ruler still survived in her mindthroughout the ages. She always took the initiative. It was nobody tostart the game but she. She recovered her pride as well as her reason.
“Are you always so considerate to rub tight of young wives when youdrive in the US?”
“Yeah, you know all about me, Eichi.” Laughter filled the car and Eikowas relieved.
His large right hand, withdrawn and put on the wheel, looked lovable toher. She put her hand on that hand and led it to her left breast.”Wow!” He uttered a cry in foreign tongue.
“Hereunder, there is a cavity made by the lung resection.” He gave herno answer. His hand firmly hold her breast, but with no movement.
“It’s OK. It will be a memorial service for the lung.” said she. Buthis fingers stayed still. Time went by slowly as ever. She took theinitiative but blinking interval of the lamp was slow and their postureseemed useless.
Shade of the toll staff heaved up and down on the glass door. He gotready to go home.
“Does your husband give you such a memorial service for the lung?”
“No, We are not an American couple.” She said strongly and laughed alittle. She reminded of a room that she made her sleeping room when sheentered the university in her middle age. She named it her “studyroom”. It faced a main road and was often shaken when a big vehiclepassed by. Still sleeping alone in her exclusive room was very muchcomfortable. Her husband and her daughter occupied their ownsouth-facing rooms respectively.
“The mother of my wife had a disadvantaged upbringing. She has oncelived in an orphanage and experienced several divorces. No wonder whyshe had an emotional disorder. “
“You are so sweet. Well, you can find great satisfaction in pouring outall sorts of complaints while you are in Japan.” She said in hercapacity as an aunt and returned his hand on the wheel.
“I heard the mother of Michio was a beautiful woman.” He said abruptly.
“Yes, but when I married him, ” She reminded of her clear red kimonoslips and continued. “She was already pined away and had a badcomplexion.”
Nevertheless, she used to adjust her makeup in the mirror beforedinner, fussing with her hair and rouge her lips. Eiko felt agitated asif she were hit on a sensitive point.
“She died when our daughter was two years old.” Eiko has heard that themother of Michio was, in her young days, as beautiful as a hina doll, adoll for Girls’ Festival. In addition, people reputed and praised hermarriage set of household goods, every item was order made. It was awinter day after the first anniversary of his mother’s death whenMichio disappeared.
“From time to time you make an aged face.” Her younger husband Michiosaid so to Eiko.
“No, I cannot have enough time to make me up as frequently as yourmother had. Moreover, kimono is not so popular clothing nowadays.” “OK,but I want to ask you not to make gloomy stories.”
Michio was brought up almost solely by his mother because his fatherdied young. As his fatherless family was very quiet, he could hardlyunderstand her bustling family, her outstanding way-of-thinking or hergloomy feeling that she unknowingly acquired.
“There was a war thirty years ago. For the mother-in-law it was in herthirties and for us in our childhood.”
“It made our lives change completely.” He said forcefully.
“My mother-in-law was a daughter of a renowned Japanese restaurant. Shealways cherished her girlhood days and felt pride in that. On thatreason, she had a cheerful face.”
At that time, light in the toll booth went out. There was a sign of thestaff getting out of another door. The toll booth had a deserted feel.
“We can go by now.”
“Yeah, we can.” He started at once.
“We have saved a thousand and five hundred yen.” He said in a bashfulsmile that also told they had a pleasure while waiting. The road wasbeautifully paved. The car ran smoother and faster. Yasunori began towhistle a song. On its swinging rhythm Eiko put her words that layheavy on her stomach.
“Thank you for asking me why I forgave Michio.”
“You’re welcome!” He replied in swinging tune thou his song came to anend.
Having survived from a severe illness, Eiko knew her life will be overbefore long. In this resignation, however, somehow she had a confidencethat she could tell him the truth, what is more, with pride.
Somebody said vagabondage comes to a habit but her husband never lefthome again. The girl she once met to deal with the aftermath was indeedbeautiful but not as modest as his mother. Only her showy dress andblatant makeup left the impression to Eiko.
They reached to the other end of the highway in a short time as if thecar was carried by the tune of his whistling. They passed through thegate of Takayu hot spring.
Following the signpost, they turned right and got on a downgrade road.The hot spring resort area stretched around the lowland. Theirdestination, a rustic inn is famous for its dinner by the fireside. Itwas also easily found in an array of luminous street lamps.
When they left the car, Eiko found a Torii gate and a small shrinestanding in a shadow at a remote corner of the parking lot. A half-tornred labarum was swaying in the wind, which reminded her of thescarlet-dyed noren curtain of the ramen shop.
Holding that red color before her eyes, she entered the inn. Aftercheck-in at the cottage-like front lobby she was shown to her room.Elevators were not equipped. She felt an uncomfortable feeling in herswollen legs in walking because of a long drive. But Yasunori’sfootsteps looked unnaturally aerial.
On the second floor there was a long plain hallway and opposingunadorned room doors. Eiko reserved two rooms. Judging from the artlessappearance of room doors, she thought the inside of the room must befar from luxurious ones. Her room had a three digits number. It waslocated on the left side of the hallway, a little apart from thewashroom. On the opposing side of her room or on the right side of thehallway, there were no guest rooms but windows. She thought she couldhave a beautiful view of mountain in the daytime through these windows.
She expected Yasunori’s room must be the next door to her room. But thestaff passed over the adjacent room and showed him a neighboring roombut one. She felt a sort of loneliness in her mind.
His room had also a three digits number. But the room between them hasno number. She thought the room was not a guest room.
“Though hungry, I take the hot spring bath first.” He said to the staff.
“Go outside at the end of the hallway on the ground floor, and after ashort walk through the garden you will find an open-air hot springbath.” said the staff.
“Is it separated by gender?” asked Eiko.
“Yes, it is a gender-separated hot spring bath. The changing rooms areseparated by their doors. You can’t miss it.”
“Thank you for your kindness.” said he.
Eiko entered her room with her back to his voice. After quickly changedinto Yukata bathrobe and Hanten short coat, she went back out into thehallway with her room key in hand. But Yasunori was not found there.She walked to the door of his room across the numberless room.
“I’m going to go on ahead. Hurry up!” said she after knocked the doorof his room. She was a little hungry because she didn’t finish herramen.
“You’re quick in getting ready as usual. I’m always slow and gawky.I’ll come soon after making a call to the US. I will say something toyou when I got to the changing room. So call me back to get in touchwith me.”
Eiko smiled with satisfaction with his childish begging voice. A chainof thoughts raced through her mind. ‘After hot spring bath, we willhave a lovely dinner.’ ‘Fortunately my stomachache has gone away.’ ‘Hewould not ask me a loan.’ ‘We have a great deal to talk about.’ ‘Weshall toast with some good wine…. No, Japanese Sake would be better.”We shall have a pleasant talk, this time.’ She walked down the stairswith merry steps. ‘I would not be upset if you dared peep into mybathing.’ ‘At night I’d even sing you a lullaby like I did when youwere a little boy.’
Night air in the mountain was cold. She hunched her shoulders when sherattled along the path in wooden sandals. But when she settled backinto a rock bath of open-air hot spring, she shortly got warm. Near thechanging room and washing stands an outdoor lamp stood and lighted theopen-air hot spring bath. She saw a dark mountain range throughdarkness.
The bath was hot enough to give off steam, which caused her vision blurand blocked her sight. ‘Somehow steam is to stagnate around here.’ Shetook things easy and thought ‘It’s time to get Yasunori’s voice. Wecould talk to each other freely because there is no other fellowguest.’ She felt she had found her way to make things interesting andhappy.
So she waited and waited again but never got his voice. The bath wastoo hot to be settled in for a long time. She got out of the bath,moved to the wash stand and took soap in her hand to get clean. But theair was so cold to make her shiver that she got into the bath again.She moved around in the bath and found a stone appropriate for sittingon. Her shoulders poked through the bath and the cold night air cooledher body comfortably. She sat on the stone and waited his voice. Thenight fog enveloped the bath and hindered her vision.
Eiko heard a woman’s breathy voice.
“Dear aunt…” It came not from the changing room but from inside thesteam not afar.
“Aunt Eiko…” It was a clear and pure voice somewhat like suzumushi,bell cricket singing by the grass.
“Who are you?” She questioned, though she knew who it is.
“Aunt Eiko, it’s me Etsuko, Shinozuka Etsuko.”
“Are you, really?” Eiko could not see her face. For a moment, sheimagined Yasunori’s face before her eyes. Her thought froze, neitherdid her four limbs.
“Dear aunt.” The voice moved closer.
“It was not me but Yasunori who died in the accident on the slope inNagasaki in that summer. You gently held my shoulder and wept togetherwith me at the funeral in the church, didn’t you?”
Eiko reminded of the attendants in mourning veil. There were tearingEtsuko, crying Hisako, weeping family members. The voice speaking toher was calm and had a midlife power. The view of the Etsuko’s tombwhere she visited this afternoon busily flashed through her mind. Onthe way to the cemetery, she saw many billboards advertising forYonezawa beefsteak restaurants. Surely the cemetery was in the Yonezawasuburb. On the tombstone the name of Etsuko was inscribed with hersurname which was not changed.
“You saw my tomb inscription. It is my tomb without doubt. But it wasonly recently made. I moved there last autumn. Before moving, I wasworking at science and engineering department of a university.”
Eiko had difficulty breathing. Her heart, her lungs and other internalorgans seemed stiffened and numbed.
“Dear aunt. Thank you very much for coming to visit my grave from afar.” The ending of her words was fading away.
“Etsuko wait a moment, please!” Eiko felt the speaker still staysaround her.
“You met Yasunori, didn’t you? That’s good. You two had a good timehere.” The awareness that she is his aunt was awakened in her mind.
“No, that’s not true.” The returning voice was quiet but clear.
“Yasunori wanted to meet you, not me, because you were always wanted totalk with him.”
‘How could you know it?’ Eiko wondered but her mouth was frozen….
“You are a respectable aunt to any eye. Yasunori must have wanted totell it to you.” Etsuko said so in a dignified but gentle voice.
Eiko said in her mind ‘That’s not the only reason. He wanted to touchmy body,’ but she accepted her words which were overwhelminglypersuasive. Burning shame came out to her behind her embarrassment….It was Eiko who clung to and shacked to the fate of productive familythat must have been overcome and thrown away at some stage of life.
Etsuko was a splendid woman that encourages other person. Yasunori hadclear-sighted eyes. No small amount of admiration was led into the pityfor Etsuko. Eiko was so moved that she forgot to say ‘I’m much obligedto you’ to Etsuko.
Steam from the hot spring was mixed with the incoming night fog andbecame thicker. Sign of her presence disappeared completely togetherwith her voice.
Eiko came to herself and found that she was in an empty worldstretching to the limitless darkness. She managed to get back to thechanging room after stumbling over stones and grabbing rocks to supportherself.
The heart beating color, scarlet was no more found in her sight. Shewanted to get back to her room. She thought if she could not findYasunori in his room, she would believe that it was all over. But thegarden path of the inn became longer and more difficult for her to getthrough, neither was the hallway. Then she felt she vaguely heard busytwittering of some birds, rumble of a heavy vehicle, and the bustle ofa neighborhood shopping center. ‘Were they not the day’s uproar Iforgot today?’
The prayer was sputtered out of her from the shivering spine. ‘Grandmawould say give a prayer of thanks.’ His hoarse voice was returned inher mind.
Eiko was in fact making an autumn travel with Yasunori. She canremember every experience she had while traveling; bouncing of the car,contentment through straightforward dialogue, her stomachache and senseof his touch to her inner thigh. She also remembers clear voice ofEtsuko and her message.
Her legs were tied down and could not move forward against her will.
English translation by Minoru Inada