米軍艦船に包囲され 逃げ場は閉ざされ
激しい攻撃 地響き すべて焼きつくし
うまいものを食べて 晴着に着替えて
家族 親族 みんな車座になって話合い
手榴弾の安全弁を引き抜き 石に叩きつ
けて 爆発 轟音と共に 人々の五体は
ちりぢりばらばらに 肉片が飛び散って
木の枝にもぶらさがる 死者たちは神々
しく 死にきれなかった運の悪い私たち
泣き叫び 鉈・鎌・斧・カミソリなどで
首をかき切り また棍棒で 頭を叩き割
り 狂気の惨たらしさ 親が子を殺し
子が親を殺し 兄が弟妹を殺して 私は
茫然と 転がっている死体を数えていた
生き残った腑甲斐無さ 死んだ人たちが
なんとも羨ましい この地獄以上の地獄
何十年も口を封印し 寡黙に徹して私は
を後ろめたく思い 軍の命令の有無なぞ
考える余裕もなく 絶対服従ありがたく
集団自決の季節になると 慶良間海峡に
鯨の群れがやってきて 飛び跳ねるのが
とても嬉しくて 六十五年の歳月が 嘘
のような 多くの死が 礎になっている
おお死者たちよ 鎮まりたもれ
Mass Suicide
At that time our island──
being surrounded by an American fleet──our escape routes were cut off.
Heavy attack, rumbling ground, everything burned,
I thought of dying for our country・・・・・
Eating delicious food, being dressed in my best,
family, relatives, all sit in a circle talking to each other──
as I pulled out the safety valve of grenade,
throwing it against a stone.
Explosion──with roars. Bodies were scattered,
flesh hung from branches of trees.
The dead were divine──these unlucky ones who failed to die,
wailing, severed necks with a hatchet, sickle, ax, or razor blade,
crushed heads with clubs.
This mad cruelty──parents killed their children,
children killed their parents, elder brothers killed their brothers and sisters.
I, absent-minded, counted the number of dead bodies on the ground.
What a coward that I could not die. I envied the dead. This hell is more than hell!
For not a few decades, my lips had been sealed. In my reticence, I felt guilty
that I was unable to die for the sake of my country. I had no room to think
whether there was the military order to commit suicide or not.
Absolute obedience was obligatory. In the season of mass suicide, I am very
pleased to watch the shoal of whales coming down to Kerama strait and jumping.
The sixty-five years seems to me to be a lie.
Countless dead laid the foundation.
Oh, the great numbers of dead, may you rest in peace!
(Translated by Aya Yuhki)