むらさき においし
むさしの のべに
にほんの ぶんかの
はなさき みだれ……
見つめてから、次に見るのが、東京ステーションホテルの入口だ。アーチ型に、TOKYOSTATION HOTELと、浮きあがって書いてあって、どこのホテルにもない、ふんいきなんだ。
紫匂いし 武蔵の野辺に
日本の文化の 華さきみだれ
月影いるべき 山の端もなき
昔の広野の おもかげいづこ
(注)東京市歌 紫にほひし 大正十三年十月
高田耕甫・詞 山田耕筰・曲
Children’s literature author Mari Morishita was born in Tokyo, Japan.Station Hotel Room #205 is the first story from the collection TokyoStation Kid, published by Komine Shoten in 2005. She has receivednumerous honors including the First Children’s Literature Magazine’sNew Writer’s Award for her story Machihazureno Mokeiten (The Hobby Shopat the Edge of Town).
“Station Otaku.”
That’s what my friends call me. An”otaku” is someone who shuts himself in, obsessed with something, ageek.
I like train stations, and it’s truethat I’m into Tokyo station, so I won’t argue that. However, I feelthat everyone has something they’re into, like radio-controlled planesor “Pokemon” stuff or personal computers.
Among my classmates there are cartoonotaku and computer otaku, but I wasn’t an “otaku” at first. I playedwith lots of friends.
I used to dash through the maincorridor of Tokyo station to the Marunouchi side with twelve orthirteen friends. It’s interesting to see the change from the Yaesuside, the surrounding buildings seem so suddenly formal. There aren’tmany towns with a station with such different characters within itself.
My mother scolds me,” You are alreadyin the upper class in elementary school. Stop playing choo-chootrains.” She is old-fashioned. Choo-choo trains are the smoke-puffingsteam engines, the steam locomotives, which we rarely see nowadays.
Eventually my friends lost interest,leaving the group one by one until I was the only one who came to Tokyostation. That’s how I became an “otaku”. There are many steamlocomotives fanatics, but there aren’t any train station otaku here.
Despite this, I love Tokyo station. Inotice something new every time I visit, and the view of the stationfrom the Marunouchi side is so inspiring that it makes my heart beatquickly. Today too I went to Tokyo station. I left my school bag athome telling my mother, “I’m going to my friend’s house.” I walkedstraight through the corridor from the north entrance, the Yaesu side.When I stopped, I could feel the trains coming and going on the railsabove my head. It gave me a shiver.
I ran without stopping, crossing thestreet from the Marunouchi side to the square beyond. Turning around, Ifaced the station, gazing at the rectangular station building fromright to left. The red brick building is beautiful. It’s majestic. I’veseen photos of the original, beautiful crown-shaped dome before it wasburnt in an air raid in the war. Picturing it in my mind gave meanother shiver.
I was gazing at the station whensomeone called out to me. “Hey, you.” It was an elegant old gentlemanin a brown suit.
“You‘ve been observing the stationrather intently. Do you like Tokyo station?”
“Yes, I do.”
“I see. I’m an architect, and I thinkthis building is magnificent. There are people though who say that thestation is a copy of Amsterdam station.”
“I know,” I said impatiently. “But theystarted saying that more than thirty years after the completion ofTokyo station on December 15th, 1914. If it really was a copy, then wewould have heard it earlier.”
“My, you know a lot for your age.Perhaps, those people who went abroad for the first time were soimpressed by Amsterdam station that they just blurted it out withoutknowing the history. They were looking only at the surface.”
“Yes, I know,” I said. “In theNetherlands there are a lot of buildings made of red brick, Amsterdamstation uses them. The only other similarity is that they are bothcentral stations with train lines passing through, which was unusual atthat time. Usually those big stations were terminal stations, the endof a line. That’s all.”
“That’s right,” he agreed. “Thearchitect Kingo Tatsuno spent eight years working out the design of thestation, revising it three times. The construction took, um…”
“Six years from the beginning, right?”I said gently to the old gentleman, who started to seem like a closefriend.
He said with a smile, “You are a goodkid, and you seem to really appreciate this station. Maybe one dayyou’ll become an architect. Actually, when I saw Tokyo station for thefirst time I was deeply moved. I was a child when I first saw it, along time ago during the war. My family was moving far away, and when Istood in front of the station, my whole body shook. How beautiful, howmagnificent I thought. It took my breath away. That strong impressioninspired me to become an architect.”
The old man said this all in onebreath. For the first time I thought I was being treated as an equal byan adult.
“I visit the red brick Tokyo stationregularly to mark the different stages of my life, even when I live faraway from it.”
He took my hands with his big hands,shaking them.
“It’s nice to meet you. Today is ananniversary of sorts for me.”
He narrowed his eyes and sang a song Ididn’t know. It had a somewhat sad melody –
Purple flowers are fragrant
In Musashino Fields
Cultures of Japan
Blossoming wildly…
I’m home a little late, I thought tomyself.
I quietly opened the door, and insteadof the usual “Akira, you are late!” I heard my mother say gently,”Welcome home. Mr. Sea Urchin is here visiting us.”
My grandfather passed away three yearsago, and his best friend was this Mr. Sea Urchin. He lives in ToyouraCity in Yamaguchi Prefecture, and he occasionally sends us sea urchin,a specialty of his hometown.
“Sea urchin from Shimonoseki is famous,but the best sea urchin in Japan is from Toyoura” he always says. Myfamily loves to eat sea urchin, so Mr. Sea Urchin is always welcome andthat’s why my mother politely calls him ‘Mr.’.
“Akira, you have grown big in threeyears,” Mr. Sea Urchin said, narrowing his eyes. Bowing to him Iwondered, do sea urchins have eyes?
Then my mother said something thatalmost made me jump out of my skin.
“Mr. Sea Urchin has been waiting foryour return. Tonight, he would like you to stay at the Station Hotelwith him.”
“What? The Station Hotel?!”
I couldn’t believe my dream was comingtrue! When I go to Tokyo station, I first admire the dome on the rightside and think, how magnificent; then I look at the entrance of theTokyo Station Hotel. TOKYO STATION HOTEL
stands out on the arch, and the hotel has an atmosphere unlike anyother. I always thought I wanted to stay there one day, but I gave upon the idea thinking it was impossible. There was no way that I wouldbe allowed to stay at a hotel which is just twenty minutes on foot awayfrom my home.
But … but!
“Is that O.K.?” Mr. Sea Urchin asked me,
“Of course. I have been dreaming aboutit, staying at the Station Hotel.”
My mother packed my bag with clothesfor the next day and pulled out a formal looking shirt for me.
I put on the brand new shirt, andwalked slowly with Mr. Sea Urchin on the same street down which I hadreturned just minutes ago.
When we arrived at the hotel, I enteredexcitedly, but there was something else which almost made me jump outof my skin. The room Mr. Sea Urchin reserved was #205!
Exactly below room #205 is thestationmaster’s office. This hotel room is the room where you can sleepabove the highest ranked train stationmaster’s office of all Japan. Iran into the room and opened the curtain. Just as I expected!
My legs shook with excitement. Beyondthe panes of the window I could see the platform for track 3. As Ilooked out, a train slid in next to the platform. That train wasprobably Omiya-bound.
“Akira, did you know that this is theonly room that sits right above the trainmaster’s office? Did you knowthat you could see the platform also?”
“Yes. I know everything about Tokyostation. I love this station.”
“Yes, that’s what your mother told me,that you are Dr. Tokyo Station.”
“My mother?” I was at a loss for words.My mother who tells me to stop playing choo-choo trains? Sheunderstands me.
“What do you want to do?” asked Mr. SeaUrchin. “Shall we go to the restaurant for dinner?”
“No. I want to stay here. If you don’tmind, I want to wait a little longer before dinner.”
Nodding at my words, he sat down on achair. We faced each other across a small table by the window with theview of Tokyo station.
Very faintly like the sound of theocean, the noise from the platforms reached us. People from far awaywith big bags, commuters, a crowd of people.
I was fascinated. I didn’t realize howlong I had been observing the platform. When I turned to look at Mr.Sea Urchin, I noticed tears running from his eyes, also gazing out atthe platform.
“What’s wrong?” I blurted out insurprise.
“Oh, Akira. I was just rememberingsomething. Something from my childhood… Will you listen to a storyfrom my childhood?”
It was the first time that I had seenan adult cry, so I answered him with my heart racing.
In my dream hotel room, by the windowwith a view of the platform, I found myself listening, anxious, as Mr.Sea Urchin began to tell his story.
-Mr. Sea Urchin’s Story-
When I was your age, Japan was at warwith China. The Korean Peninsula which is adjacent to China was in factinvaded by Japan, and since 1910 had been governed by our country.
Among my close friends was Kim, aKorean boy. Kim had a Japanese name, Kanai. Like all Koreans at thattime he was not allowed to use his own language. He was forced tochange his name to a Japanese one.
Therefore, he was called Kanai at homeand school. One day he told me, “My real name is Kim.”
After that I secretly called him ‘Kim’when no one was around. Kim seemed very happy about this. We becameeven closer.
Kim was a very skillful kid. At thetime model gliders were popular, and he made me one which flew verywell.
One day we were playing with the gliderwith our friends and Kim’s glider flew into a neighbor’s backyard.
“Excuse me. Would you please let me getmy glider,” Kim asked with a strong voice, opening the wooden door.
From inside the house a voice calledout “Hey you, you’re the Korean. You must be a spy, entering my house.”A big man came out grabbing Kim. The man was a reservist. A reservistis a person who becomes a soldier when called upon by the government,but until then continues with his regular job.
The big man punched Kim with all hisstrength. “Ow!” Kim screamed. We were all shaken, huddling together.The man said to us, “You kids, you aren’t friends with this spy, areyou?”
I could hardly speak, but finally said,”Kanai is not a spy.” But that didn’t help the situation.
“What? If you are friends with him, youare guilty, too. I will report all of you as spies,” he yelled,swinging his arm.
That’s when Kim stood in front of thegiant, spreading his arms out. “Please stop. They’re Japanese, justlike you.”
Meanwhile we ran away like cowards,leaving Kim behind but that’s not all we did to him. From the next day,we started to taunt Kim, calling him a spy.
A spy is a secret agent of the enemy.We hated the villains and cowards who betrayed Japan. Everyone wasafraid of being called a spy.
Later, Kim’s family decided to move toNagano. His father and mother had left Tokyo first to look for a placeto live, and Kim was to follow them later.
Kim came to me and whispered,
“I’m leaving tomorrow evening at sixo’clock from track 1 of Tokyo station.”
He probably wanted me to come see himoff. I wanted to go, but I couldn’t.
Tokyo station was far and I had neverbeen there, but these were just excuses. I was afraid of what myfriends might think. I thought I might be seen by someone. What aheartless child I was !
-America, England and at the end of thewar the Soviet Union became Japan’s enemies, and Japan eventually lostthe war. I wonder what Kim is doing now. Since he was a strong willedchild, I hope he’s been successful.
I know I cannot apologize enough toKim. Since then, on the day of Kim’s departure at six o’clock in theevening, I have come to this window and lowered my head toward track 1.This window used to be in front of track 1. Now tracks 1 and 2 areelevated and you cannot see them, but you can still see the platform.”
It was almost six o’clock.
When Mr. Sea Urchin finished his story,he stared at the platform.
“Yes, there he is. Akira, look at thatboy.”
He pointed, but I didn’t see anyone.
He started to sing softly.
Purple flowers are fragrant,in Musashino Fields
“That song!” My heart jumped. It wasthe same song that the gentleman I met this afternoon at Tokyo stationwas singing.
Mr. Sea Urchin told me, “This song isthe Tokyo City Anthem. Children in Tokyo at that time were encouragedto sing this song at municipal events. According to my mother, whenTokyo station was built, the field in front of the station wasundeveloped and it looked just as it did in the old days of Musashinofield. Kim and I liked this song, and we used to sing it together. Thesad melody I think resonated with Kim’s feelings for his home country.”
The old man’s singing voice rang outdeeply.
Purple flowers are fragrant
In Musashino Fields
Cultures of Japan
Blossoming wildly
There is no mountain
For the moon to hide behind
Where is the memory
Of the old field
His voice seemed to rise up into themilk colored chandelier above.
Another teardrop traveled down hischeek. Suddenly my hands were enveloped in his. This was the secondtime today that this had happened. What a strange coincidence !
The old gentleman, that elegant old mansang the song like this.
“Akira. I always thought that youlooked like Kim, but you look just like him now that you are at hisage. Looking at you, the betrayal is ripping my heart. The boy Kim whoappears at the platform every year shows me only his back. Rememberingwhat I have done to him, I understand why. But it’s hard for me to seeonly his back. It makes me lonely.”
I was shocked. For more than sixtyyears, this man has been regretting what he had done as a child, stillstruggling.
I wanted to comfort him somehow.
I thought about telling him about theold gentleman I met today, and telling him “Kim is doing fine.” But,no, that’s only a hunch, and I don’t know if telling him that wouldease his mind.
Suddenly I had an idea. Since I looklike Kim, why don’t I stand on the platform and wave to him?
I didn’t think, why should I do such athing? I was overwhelmed with the desire to comfort him.
When I told him my idea, he lookedsurprised, and said to me with a smile, “The platform that we are nowlooking at is track 3, all right?”
I went downstairs and came out on theSouth Marunouchi Concourse. It’s a little before six o’clock, the rushhour hasn’t started yet, and the concourse is bathed in a pale bluelight.
Near the ticket machines on the floor,there was a round sign marking the spot where the former Prime MinisterTakashi Hara was assassinated in 1921.
Using a ticket, I entered the platformfor track 3, and I walked slowly toward the window from which I wasjust looking. It was breezy.
I saw Mr. Sea Urchin pressing upagainst the window of room #205, so I waved to him briefly. He wasnodding at me and suddenly brought his hands together.
He was praying in my direction, for Kimwho still exists somewhere beyond myself.
I waved my hand vigorously, crying. Ithought, what I’m doing now might only comfort him temporarily, I’mgoing to tell him about the old gentleman who sang his song. Even ifthat gentleman wasn’t Kim, I should do that.
Again I waved the hand which had beentaken by two old men’s hands, hands which have lived long lives.
The breeze on the track 3 platformbrushed against my cheek, a little chilly.
translated by Koaki Sinkai